If you encounter any issues with our products, please contact us to arrange a return or replacement

Returns &

We guarantee the quality and compatibility of our transceiver and cabling products.

At Luma Optics, we are committed to delivering the highest quality with every shipment. To ensure continuous improvement and effective fault resolution, we request that any faulty products be returned within 60 calendar days of receiving a Return Material Authorization (RMA).

Advance Replacement Orders: For advance replacement orders, Luma Optics reserves the right to invoice for the replacement product if the faulty product is not returned within 30 calendar days of receiving the RMA.

To help our RMA team process your request efficiently, please provide the following information:

  • System diagnostics (e.g., ‘show technical’, ‘show diagram’, ‘show module’ etc.).
  • A detailed description of any steps taken to resolve the issue, such as testing the product in another host device.

Request form

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